Private Coaching Options


Holistic Health Coaching

✔ Weekly 1:1 Coaching Sessions

✔ Answers to Your Questions Via Email or App Between Sessions

✔ Cutting-edge Nutritional Information

✔ Coaching Tools and Worksheets

✔ Support and Accountability

✔ Weekly Motivational Emails and Tips

✔ Recipes and Meal Ideas Based on Your Preferences and Lifestyle


Custom In-Person or Remote Program Design & Coaching

Individually tailored strength, conditioning, and general physical preparedness training programs, custom designed to meet your specific needs in sport, hobby, and whatever life throws at you.

✔ 1:1 Sessions

✔ Remote or In-Person

✔ Individually Tailored

✔ Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced Options


Resilient Body BUILD Subscription Membership

✔ Monthly Subscription Based

✔ Suitable For Various Fitness Levels

✔ Progressive Functional Fitness Program Design With Purpose

✔ Strength & Conditioning

✔ Aerobic Efficiency Work

✔ General Physical Preparedness

✔ Email Support


Functional Range Conditioning

Functional Range Conditioning® (FRC®) is a comprehensive joint training system based in scientific principals and research. This will assist in the development of mobility, joint strength, and body control.

✔ 1:1 Sessions

✔ Remote or In-Person

✔ Individually Tailored