Our Story


How Resilient Body Came to Be

Resilient Body was forged by our passion for finding what make our clients’ and our own bodies and minds their most resilient version.

As humans, we get paralyzed by too much choice, get hypnotized by complex and fancy, swayed by overly dogmatic, and disenchanted by competing options that claim one size fits all. Combine that all with the convenience armchair culture, easy “fixes” and the obesogenic environment we live in; and things get even tougher to figure out or to find a way that works to self-motivate and sustain a healthy lifestyle. How do we find what is healthy for us to begin with?

There is no one or correct path in your individual health or fitness.

Resilient Body’s integrated holistic approach to asking questions, educating clients, individualized wellness plans, and progressive scalable fitness programming has changed the lives of many clients and those that they influence as well. By treating the body as a whole unified system and keeping things simple, Resilient Body has been successful where other approaches have failed.


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

— Viktor Frankl